About us


To Promote and encourage the physical, spiritual, social, moral and cultural education of the youth of the nation for the development of character, good health and good citizenship. To Promote Olympism through inclusion of Olympic and None-Olympic Sports & games.  To  Build social harmony and friendly society through various youth activities & events. To Plan, organize and manage Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Youth National Games, Every  Year to create message of one nation brotherhood. To Plan, organize and manage Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Youth International Games,  Every four year to create message to worldwide brotherhood. To Do Advancy Against social evils, such as Dowry, Female Infanticide, Rape Discrimination and other immorality. To Establish, run and manage “ Youth Club – Sports and Youth activity centers in all over India. , To Generate funding to youth clubs, Bhim Mahila Committee – Social and youth activity centers.  To organize Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National & International Award for meritorious athletes/sports persons, social, culture, agriculture, education etc.

Our aim is to develop and make youth self-reliant in the fields of education, sports, health, social, economic, political, science, culture, arts, etc., to run public welfare programs and give maximum benefits to the economically and socially backward classes, urban and rural  To run programs in backward areas like sanitation, family planning, education, child nutrition, women and child development and Awareness of public consciousness, conducting programs on environmental education and its problems, conducting seminars, promoting unity, community development and cultural development, doing research work in various fields and making citizens aware of policies and schemes implemented by the government and  To run programs and maximize cooperation and encourage social welfare by getting support from national and international institutions, so that we can establish equality and fraternity in the country and abroad.

Gautam Buddha 

2500 years ago in India, the religion established by Siddhartha Gautama, popularly known as Buddha, spread throughout Asia, Buddha spent most of his life teaching the methods of enlightenment which he himself had experienced and the world  Gave his last message “Apna Diyo Bhavaah” so that the people of the world can become enlightened and become Buddha so that the world can adopt the Panchsheel principles and expand the sense of peace, equality and fraternity.  Walking on the same idea stream, gave the message of freedom equality to the country and the world, and adopting the same idea, Dr.  Bhimrao Ambedkar Youth Olympiad Foundation is working and is giving a message to the youth to establish social values ​​like free and universalism peace, non-violenc
बुद्धं शरणं गच्छामि 
            धम्मं शरणं गच्छामि 
                        संघं शरणं गच्छामि 


(Birth : 14 April 1891 - Perinatal : 6 December 1956)
(M.A., M.Sc., D.Sc., Ph.D., L.L.D., D.Litt., Bar.at-Law)

The life of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, one of the six outstanding scholars of the world, is itself a burning example of sacrifice and struggle.  As much work was done by Baba Saheb Ambedkar alone for the liberation and upliftment of Dalits (untouchable), it was probably not done together by all the people engaged in other Dalit (untouchable) upliftment.  In fact, after  God Buddha, Baba Saheb Ambedkar, was the first who started the social revolution in this country.  The philosophy of the life of such a great Majesty (vbhuti) is limited, it is wrong to think.  
The boundaries of the life and work of Baba Saheb are so wide and wide that a long bibliography is needed for its proper information and discription, but the government of india will not be ready for this task, Hindu society will not do it or else the Dalit society will only do this great work, have to show.  Baba Saheb Ambedkar, the principal creator of the Indian Constitution and the great leader of the untouchables, was a distinguished figure in the 20th century of India.  His life is an interesting, exciting and inspiring story of rebellion and struggle against apartheid, caste discrimination and untouchability prevalent in Hindu society for centuries.  No doubt that, Democracy was established in India, gave Indians equality in politics, but in social life, even today, inequality is dominant.                     
Due to the discrimination, casteism and untouchability, the high and low discrimination in the Hindu society is a major obstacle in the progress of democracy.  Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar was a pioneer among those who struggled to establish social equality on the basis of freedom parity and fraternity, strongly opposing social inequality.  Baba Saheb Ambedkar was a generous and true country devotee.  Often their views were above caste, class and sect.  
When Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, reached Bombay after the introduction of the constitution, he addressed the gathering crowd for the reception and said to abandon the narrow vision and consider for the welfare of the whole nation, now the time has come to prove that country interest is paramount.  In any party, its leader should be like a chief commander, have an organization and be disciplined members of that organization.  He believed that the members of the party would behave in parity and try to establish parity where there is not.  
Education is the most powerful weapon and the legislators should be trained and Buddha religion is the best path, etc. was their last message.  
Blessed are those who feel that it is our duty to save the people in whom we were born.  Blessed are those who abandon everything to abolish slavery, blessed are those who, regardless of their happiness, sorrow, honor, humiliation, distress and hardships, thunderstorms and storms will continue to struggle till then,  Until the untouchables get their birthright completely

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